55 MSc Botany MCQ important questions for M.Sc. entrance exam


1. Which one of the following heterotrichous algae grows on rocks or bark?

1. Stigeoclonium 

2. Trentepohlia 

3. Cephaleuros 

4. Fritschiella 

Correct Answer :- Trentepohlia 

2. Which one of the following statements is NOT correct?

1. Roots are absent in Psilotum. 

2. In Equisetum, spores are spirally wrapped with elaters.

3. In Selaginella, rhizophores arise from angle meristems located at shoot branch points and produce roots at their distal ends.

4. Telome theory describes the classification of ferns.

Correct Answer :- Telome theory describes the classification of ferns. 

3.Which one of the following vir genes acts as a transcriptional activator of other vir genes?

1. vir D1 

2. vir G 

3. vir D2 

4. vir E 

Correct Answer :- vir G 

4. Which one of the following features of Anthoceros indicates its algal ancestry?

1. Single chloroplast with a pyrenoid in each cell 

2. Symbiotic association with Nostoc 

3. Presence of slime pores 

4. Presence of stomata in the capsule wall 

Correct Answer :- Single chloroplast with a pyrenoid in each cell 

5. Which one of the following is NOT a list of millets?

1. Eleusine coracana, Pennisetum glaucum, Sorghum bicolor 

2. Eleusine coracana, Pennisetum glaucum, Panicum milliaceum 

3. Panicum milliaceum, Eleusine coracana, Sorghum bicolor

4. Panicum milliaceum, Eleusine coracana, Fagopyrum esculentum 

Correct Answer :- Panicum milliaceum, Eleusine coracana, Fagopyrum esculentum 

6. Which one of the following plants has anisocytic type of stomata?

1. Dianthus caryophyllus 

2. Triticum aestivum 

3. Arabidopsis thaliana 

4. Allium cepa 

Correct Answer :- Arabidopsis thaliana 

7. The culturing of plant cells in liquid agitated medium is called 

1. hydroponics 

2. aquaponics 

3. micropropagation 

4. suspension culture 

Correct Answer :- suspension culture 

8. A peroxisome-derived, dense core microbody with a unit membrane found near pore of hyphal septum in filamentous Ascomycota, is called 

1. Woronin body 

2. Spindle polar body 

3. Chitosome 

4. Spitzenkorper 

Correct Answer :- Woronin body 

9. Sympatric species are those that 

1. flower at the same time of year.

2. have nearly identical life spans. 

3. occupy the same ecological niche. 

4. occupy the same geographic region. 

Correct Answer :- occupy the same geographic region. 

10. S-allele variants involved in conferring self-incompatibility interact in a haplotype manner because 

1. S-allele products are expressed only after the completion of meiosis in germline cells. 

2. only then the allelic variability could be generated. 

3. it is an essential requirement for the success of gametophytic self-incompatibility (GSI) system. 

4. S-locus with male and female determinants is inherited as one unit. 

Correct Answer :- S-locus with male and female determinants is inherited as one unit. 

11. An erect, leafless stem bearing an inflorescence or flower at its apex is called 

1. scape

2. acaulescent 

3. caulescent 

4. cauliflorous 

Correct Answer :- scape

12. Select the correct sequence of events leading to opening of stomata.

i. Decline in guard cell solutes

ii. Lowering of osmotic potential of guard cells

iii. Influx of potassium ions in guard cells

iv. Water is sucked in by osmosis

v. Efflux of Hydrogen ions from guard cells

1. iii, v, ii, iv 

2. v, ii, iii, iv 

3. i, ii, iii, iv 

4. ii, iii, iv, v 

Correct Answer :- v, ii, iii, iv 

13. Plants adapted to low light intensity generally have

1. extended root system. 

2. CAM pathway of photosynthesis.

3. higher photosynthetic rate. 

4. leaves modified to spines.

Correct Answer :- higher photosynthetic rate. 

14. Ovules in Pinus and Rosa

1. were inherited from a recent common ancestor. 

2. have the same function but were not inherited from a common ancestor.

3. are the result of evolutionary reversals.

4. are result of independent origins from different ancestors. 

Correct Answer :- were inherited from a recent common ancestor. 

15. Identify the microorganism capable of inducing hairy root cultures for the synthesis of secondary metabolites:

1. Agrobacterium rhizogenes 

2. Agrobacterium tumefaciens 

3. Escherichia coli 

4. Bacillus thuringiensis 

Correct Answer :- Agrobacterium rhizogenes 

16. "Kewda oil" is obtained from which one of the following plant species?

1. Lavandula angustifolia 

2. Nardostachys jatamansi 

3. Rosmarinus officinalis 

4. Pandanus odoratissimus 

Correct Answer :- Pandanus odoratissimus 

17. The cyclic forms of sugars are formed by cyclization of 

1. aldehydes and alcohols on same molecule to form intramolecular hemiacetal.

2. aldehyde and alcohol on different molecules to form hemiacetal.

3. ketones and aldehydes on same molecule to form intramolecular hemiketals. 

4. ketones and aldehydes on same molecule to form hemiketal.

Correct Answer :- aldehydes and alcohols on same molecule to form intramolecular hemiacetal. 

18. Schizogenous glands are

1. internal secretory structures that are formed by dissolution of middle lamella of adjacent cells. 

2. internal secretory structures that are formed by lysis of few cells.

3. external secretory structures that secrete salt in xerophytic plants. 

4. external secretory structures that secrete mucilagous compounds in case of insectivorous plants. 

Correct Answer :- internal secretory structures that are formed by dissolution of middle lamella of adjacent cells.

19. Hormogonia are 

1. multicellular fragments of filaments which serve in vegetative reproduction of some blue-green algae. 

2. multicellular fragments of filaments which serve in vegetative reproduction of some green algae. 

3. a chain of spherical cells with thickened walls which serve in vegetative reproduction of some blue-green algae. 

4. a chain of spherical cells with thickened walls which serve in vegetative reproduction of some green algae. 

Correct Answer :- multicellular fragments of filaments which serve in vegetative reproduction of some blue-green algae. 

20. In gametophytic self-incompatibility (GSI) system 

1. outcome of the interaction is determined by the genotype of pollen producing parent. 

2. pollen grains are three-celled. 

3. S-locus products are synthesized after completion of meiosis. 

4. growth of the pollen tube is arrested in the stigmatic zone. 

Correct Answer :- S-locus products are synthesized after completion of meiosis. 

21. In a cloning experiment using E. coli, a DNA fragment was inserted in an EcoRI restriction site of a plasmid vector that contained the kanR and specR genes for resistance to the antibiotics kanamycin and spectinomycin, respectively. It was observed that all the positive clones (containing the DNA fragment of interest) grew on medium with kanamycin but not on media containing spectinomycin. Colonies, which grew on media with both antibiotics, did not contain the fragment of interest.

Based on the above information, which of the following statement(s) could, independently or in combination, explain these observations?

i. The specR gene contains a nonsense mutation.

ii. The EcoRI site was located within the specR gene.

iii. The cloned fragment of interest produces a protein, which binds and inactivates the protein produced by the specR gene.

iv.The cloned DNA fragment was lethal to the cell.

1. ii only 

2. i and iv only

3. i only

4. ii and iii only 

Correct Answer :- ii and iii only 

22. Triticum dicoccum is commonly known as

1. Einkorn wheat 

2. Durum wheat 

3. Club wheat 

4. Emmer wheat 

Correct Answer :- Emmer wheat 

23. Four multiprotein complexes (I-IV) couple electron transport to proton pumping across the mitochondrial inner membrane. To which of these complexes do electrons from succinate flow? 

1. Complex II 

2. Complex III 

3. Complex I 

4. Complex IV 

Correct Answer :- Complex II 

24. In the classical example of a dihybrid cross with a F2 phenotypic ratio of 9:7, which of the following statements is FALSE for the two genes involved?

1. The genes assort independently. 

2. The genes are linked. 

3. The genes exhibit epitstasis.

4. Alleles of each gene exhibit segregation. 

Correct Answer :- The genes are linked.

25. Photoperiodism was discovered by 

1. Dutrochet and Overbeek 

2. Bose and Blackman 

3. Went and Paal 

4. Garner and Allard 

Correct Answer :- Garner and Allard 

26. The bacterial DNA replication initiator protein is: 

1. OriC

2. DnaB 

3. dnaG 

4. dnaA 

Correct Answer :- dnaA 

27. In Gymnosperms, the female gametophyte develops from the 

1. Nucellus cells

2. Haploid megaspore mother cell 

3. Haploid megaspore 

4. Diploid megaspore 

Correct Answer :- Haploid megaspore 

28. Hyaline cells of leaves and retort cells facilitate high water holding capacity of the gametophore in

1. Sphagnum 

2. Funaria 

3. Pellia 

4. Porella 

Correct Answer :- Sphagnum 

29. Autotetraploids are often marked by the presence of 

1. univalents at Meiosis 1. 

2. multivalents at Meiosis 1. 

3. bridge at Meiosis 1. 

4. bivalents at Meiosis 1. 

Correct Answer :-  multivalents at Meiosis 1.

30. Phytochrome protein is a 

1. monomer 

2. homodimer 

3. heterodimer 

4. tetramer 

Correct Answer :- homodimer 

31. In bacteria, the membrane invaginations that initiate DNA replication are 

1. Nucleosomes 

2. Mesosomes 

3. Magnetosomes 

4. Carboxysomes 

Correct Answer :- Mesosomes

32. In higher plants, Isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP) is formed via two different biosynthetic pathways occurring in 

1. mitochondria and chloroplast 

2. ribosomes and chloroplast 

3. cytoplasm and chloroplast 

4. cytoplasm and mitochondria 

Correct Answer :- cytoplasm and chloroplast 

33. Nuclear endosperm formation is characterized by 

1. Nuclear divisions accompanied by cell wall formation

2. Primary endosperm nucleus dividing to form a larger micropylar chamber and a smaller chalazal chamber

3. Autonomous development of endosperm without fertilization 

4. Free nuclear divisions not accompanied by cell wall formation 

Correct Answer :- Free nuclear divisions not accompanied by cell wall formation 

34. A specimen of a named taxon collected, usually later, from the original type locality is called: 

1. Isotype 

2. Syntype 

3. Neotype

4. Topotype 

Correct Answer :- Topotype 

35. In case of Paramecium aurelia, allele K and kappa particles are interrelated. Which of the following is a wrong example of this interrelation?

1. In absence of K, kappa particle can multiply.

2. In absence of K, kappa particle cannot multiply. 

3. In absence of pre-existing kappa particle, K cannot produce kappa particles. 

4. In absence of kappa particle, presence of K results in a sensitive strain. 

Correct Answer :- In absence of K, kappa particle can multiply.

36. The enzyme responsible for the reduction of nitrogen into ammonia during biological nitrogen fixation is 

1. Nitrogenase 

2. Nitrate reductase 

3. Dinitrogenase 

4. Hydrogenase 

Correct Answer :- Nitrogenase 

37. Digitalin, a drug, is obtained from 

1. Common Foxglove

2. Sarpagandha 

3. Dhatura 

4. Belladonna 

Correct Answer :- Common Foxglove 

38. In bryophytes, meiosis occurs in the 

1. sporogenous tissue to produce spores 

2. gametangia to produce sperm and egg 

3. gametophyte to produce gametangia

4. spores to produce protonema 

Correct Answer :- sporogenous tissue to produce spores 

39. Wall ingrowths that impart sieve-like appearance to pits of vessels are termed as 

1. Crateriform pits. 

2. Tyloses. 

3. Vessel parenchyma pits. 

4. Vestured pits. 

Correct Answer :- Vestured pits.

40. Gonimocarp is 

1. a collective name given to a bunch of filaments of haploid cells that produce carpospores. 

2. a collective name for a structure formed by a group of gonimoblasts. 

3. a bunch of filaments of diploid cells that produce carpospores. 

4. a mass of diploid cells that produce carpospores. 

Correct Answer :- a collective name for a structure formed by a group of gonimoblasts. 

41. In Gnetum,

1. archegonia remain in a group surrounded by a common jacket. 

2. nuclei of some nucellar cells function as eggs.

3. there are no distinct archegonia and some free nuclei of female gametophyte function as eggs. 

4. there are two distinct archegonia at the micropylar end of the female gametophyte. 

Correct Answer :- there are no distinct archegonia and some free nuclei of female gametophyte function as eggs.

42. In Polygonum type of embryo sac, which of the following is attached to the wall of the embryo sac, only at the micropylar end.

1. Central cell 

2. Antipodal cells 

3. Egg cell 

4. Egg apparatus

Correct Answer :- Egg apparatus 

43. Near isogenic lines (NILs) are normally used for 

1. studying a single gene or locus controlling a particular trait. 

2. studying QTLs located at various loci controlling a trait 

3. studying QTLs coming from two parents 

4. studying genes located at various loci controlling various traits 

Correct Answer :- studying a single gene or locus controlling a particular trait. 

44. Plant cryptoviruses tend to escape detection because 

1. they are not transmitted by seed or pollen grains 

2. they cause very mild or no visible symptoms 

3. they occur as high copy number plasmid DNAs that can integrate into the host genome 

4. their genome organization is not characteristic of plant viruses 

Correct Answer :- they cause very mild or no visible symptoms 

45. Identify the correct target enzyme of Glyphosate during the development of herbicide tolerant plants:

1. 3-enolphosphateshikimate-5-pyruvate synthase 

2. 3-enolpyruvylshikimate-5-phosphate synthase 

3. 5-enolphosphateshikimate-3-pyruvate synthase

4. 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase 

Correct Answer :- 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase 

46. In competitive inhibition, an inhibitor 

1. binds covalently to the enzyme. 

2. binds at several sites on an enzyme. 

3. binds reversibly at the active site. 

4. binds only to the enzyme-substrate complex.

Correct Answer :- binds reversibly at the active site. 

47. Dikaryotic hyphae are found in

1. Chytridiomycota

2. Zygomycota

3. Basidiomycota

4. Ascomycota 

1. 2 and 4 only 

2. 1, 2 and 3 only 

3. 1, 2 and 4 only 

4. 3 and 4 only 

Correct Answer :- 3 and 4 only 

48. The inhibitory effect of red light on flowering during critical dark period on short day plants can be overcome by 

1. infra-red light 

2. far-red light

3. blue light 

4. UV light 

Correct Answer :- far-red light 

49. The relative proportion of sand, silt and clay in a soil refers to its 

1. texture

2. structure

3. profile 

4. horizon 

Correct Answer :- texture 

50. Gaia hypothesis states that 

1. Distribution of species is governed by certain limiting factors. 

2. Species with less gestation period need more parental care.

3. Microorganisms create a conducive self-regulating control system for other species to exist. 

4. No two organisms having the same ecological niche can coexist together indefinitely. 

Correct Answer :- Microorganisms create a conducive self-regulating control system for other species to exist. 

51. During meiosis 1, formation of a ring involving four chromosomes is often an indication of 

1. paracentric inversion 

2. deletion 

3. tetraploidy 

4. reciprocal translocation

Correct Answer :- reciprocal translocation 

52. Binary fission in bacteria involves all of the following except

1. DNA duplication 

2. Spindle formation

3. Cell elongation

4. cytokinesis 

Correct Answer :- Spindle formation 

53. Passage cells are thin walled cells 

1. in testa of seeds to enable emergence of growing embryonic axis during seed germination. 

2. in epidermis of roots and help in apoplast pathway. 

3. in endodermis of roots facilitating rapid transport of water from cortex to pericycle. 

4. in phloem elements and serve as entry for nutrients to be transported to other plant parts. 

Correct Answer :- in endodermis of roots facilitating rapid transport of water from cortex to pericycle. 

54. The number of centrioles in a centrosome is: 

1. Six 

2. One 

3. Four 

4. Two 

Correct Answer :- Two 

55. The reaction center of anoxygenic purple photosynthetic bacteria 

1. was the second reaction center whose structure was resolved. 

2. is similar to Photosystem I. 

3. is similar to Photosystem II.

4. provided information about non-oxygenic photosynthesis. 

Correct Answer :- is similar to Photosystem II.