CUET MCQ Question Answers for Practice

CUET MCQ Question Answers for Practice

    The Common University Entrance Exam (CUET) is a single-window admissions test for individuals wishing to enrol in the various undergraduate programmes provided by several central institutions around the country. The CUET will be administered via computer-based test (CBT). The question format will be multiple choice questions (MCQs). Candidates may practise the MCQ Questions for each part of the CUET 2023 Test in this post.
1. If the main stem becomes fleshy and photosynthetic, it is called
  • phyllode
  • cladode
  • phylloclade
  • none of these

Ans: phylloclade

2. Penicillium is a member of:

  • Deuteromycetes
  • Basidiomycetes
  • Ascomyectes
  • Phycomycetes

Ans: Ascomyectes

3. The 13-celled male gametophyte of Selaginella has

  • 9 cells of antheridium + 4 prothallial
  • 12 cells of antheridium + 1 prothallial
  • 8 cells of antheridium + 5 prothallial cells
  • 10 cells of antheridium + 3 prothallial cells

Ans: 12 cells of antheridium + 1 prothallial

4.  Red rust of tea is caused by

  • Cephaleuros
  • Oedogonium
  • Puccinia
  • Pteris

Ans: Cephaleuros

5. Trophozoites of E.histolytica reproduced by

  • autogamy
  • budding
  • conjugation
  • binary fission

Ans: binary fission

6.  Parachute mechanism of fruit and seed dispersal is due to structure called

  • pappus
  • hooks
  • bracts
  • corolla

Ans: pappus

7. The leaf lamina are generally reduced in

  • epiphytes
  • xerophytes
  • mesophytes
  • hydrophytes

Ans: xerophytes

8. Multiflagellate sperms are the characteristic of

  • Riccia
  • Pogonatum
  • Ferns
  • Mosses

Ans: Ferns

9.  Female cone is absent in

  • Cycas
  • Taxus
  • None of these
  • Pinus

Ans: Cycas

10.  Cohesion of water molecules is due to___________

  • Diffusion
  •  Osmosis
  •  Gravitational force
  •  Surface tension

Ans: Surface tension