M.Sc Botany short questions and answers


M.Sc Botany short questions and answers


 Phycology & Mycology questions and answers

1) Name one group that shows character of pit-plug ultrastructure ?

Ans. Rhodophyta.

2) Write the algal classification proposed by Robert Edward Lee (2008) ? 

3) Describe in details: endosymbiotic Theory.

4) What is cyanelle and cyanome ?

Ans. The glaucophytes are algae that are said to have endosymbiotic cyanobacteria in the cytoplasm instead of chloroplasts. In the endosymbiotic association that prevails the cyanobacteria is name cyanelle, the host is named cyanome and the association is named syncyanosis.

5) What is amphiesma ?

Ans. The collection of cell surface features is called amphiesma, it includes thecal plates, peripheral vesicles & microtubules.

6) What is Stromatolites ?

Ans. Stromatolites are defined as mineral structures built by microorganisms. The name stromatolite derives from the Greek terms stroma (layer) and litho (stone). These structures originate from the accumulation of carbonated compounds, captured and fixed by biofilms of cyanobacteria that, when carrying out photosynthesis, allow the precipitation of carbonates in the bodies of water where they live. Much of the known stromatolite beds are fossils, yet there are a few places on Earth where they are still forming.

7) Write 2 names of organisms found in algal bloom ?

Ans. Microcystis aeruginosa, and Anabaena flos-aquae.

8) Write a short note on Red Tides ?

9) Name one edible fungus of Basidiomycota ?

10) Write one parasitic fungus?

11) What is death cap ?

12) What are the difference between cyathus, cyathium, and cyathodium ?

13) What is Buller's drop phenomenon?

14) Write a short note on Dolipore Septum ?

15) Write one bioluminescent fungus ?

16) What are the features of mycelial bodyof ascomycota ?

17) What is model fungus ? Name one model fungus ?

18) Name one form genera fungus ?

19) In which fungus found sheep shape spore ?

20) What are the difference between Telomorphic and Anamorphic fungi?

21) Name one bird's nest fungi ?

22) Mention one difference between Cryptophyta and Chlorarachniophyta. 

23) What differentiates a parenchymatous thallus from a pseudoparenchymatous thallus? 

24) Name a pigment which is exclusively found in any one algal class. 

25) Name a pigment related criterion that separated the Prochlorophyta from Cyanophyta. 

26) The knowledge that Cyanophytes are capable of photosynthetic growth in sulphide rich environment led to which major reclassification among the prokaryotic autotrophs? 

27) Explain very briefly ‘Algae is a term of convenience’. 

28) Whether polymorphism of rust is evolutionary advantageous or not? comment. 

29) What are cleistohymenial apothecia? 

30) Why are basidiocarps of Polyporales usually harder than that of Agaricales? 

31) Name a biotrophic Ascomycota and the plant disease caused by it.  

32) A phylogenetic study involving Prochloron and ten marine and ten fresh water cyanobaceria is performed. Mention one probable relationship that this study can establish.

33) A non-photosynthetic eukaryote host engulf's a photosynthetic organism and remains it as an endosymbiont. Name one coevolutionary phenomenon that will enssure permanent residency of the endosymbiont within the host cell.

34) Some dinoflagellates undergo a process of plastid acquisition and retain it in addition to their own functional plastids. Which phagotrophic phenomenon of the dinoflagellates does this tendency highlight ?

35) Bacillariophytes have exhibited a steady reduction in their Silicification Index. What evolutionary significance does this reduction reflect ?

36) Considering the evolution of Glaucophyta, mention any one fate of the missing genes after a Cyanobacterial species attains the new role of a cyanelle.

37) A researcher collects plankton using a plankton net of mesh size > 20 micro meter. Name the planktonic groups that will not be collected during the collection process, stating reason for the same.

38) Red algae exhibit multiple uniqueness in terms of their ultrastructural characters. Write about one such uniqueness in the context of their patterns in multinuclearity.

39) Name the unique reserve food material of Acetabularia.

40) Mention the role of Luciferin binding proteins in Dinoflagellates.

41) Name one feature that according to you is the best justification for separating the Eustigmatophyceae from Tribophyceae.

42) Give an example each of intracellular and intercellular association of Cyanobacteria.

43) Briefly comment on the evolutionary tendency of the sea slug Elysia chlorotica.

44) Mention a major difference between phragmoplast and phycoplast.

45) Name an invasive green alga of marine habitat.

46) Which of the following is a unique character of true fungi ?

    i) heterotrophic mode of nutrition.

    ii) filamentous thallus.

    iii) lysine biosynthesis by alpha diamino pimelic acid pathway.

    iv) presence of ergosterol in cell membrane.

47) Which steps of clump connection is not controlled by A locus ?

Other questions:-

Write types of sexual reproduction in ascomycota ?

Write types of ascocarp ?

Mention the importance of ‘the inequality of evolutionary process’ in algal evolution. 

Outline the similarities between cyanobacteria and the chloroplasts that validate 'The Enddosymbiotic Theory'.

Justify the reinclusion of Prochlorophyta in Cyanobacteria. Explain the importance of Horizontal Gene Transfer in Cyanobacterial evolution. Write a short note on different nitrogen fixing mechanisms in the Cyanobacteria.

Write a note on intracellular and extracellular associations of the cyanobacteria with suitable example.

Describe the sequence of events in the evolution of two membranes of CER that was initiated with phagocytosis of eukaryotic photosynthetic algae.

Write an elaborate note on ultrastructural diversity of Rhodophytes.

Validate the separation of the Prymnesiophytes from Heterokontophytes.

How will current changes in climate influence the diatoms, their frustule morphology and the silica cycle ?

What are kleptoplastids ? Name the different modes of heterotrophy in the Dinophytes and explain their unique prey-capture adaptations with examples.

What is Silicification Index ? What is the observed evolutionary trend of this Index ? Give an account of the basic patterns of wall ornamentation in diatoms.

Give a classification of the phytoplankton based on size. Explain the causes and effects of Harmful Algae Blooms (HABs) and cyanobacterial blooms.

Compare the development of ascospore with that of ballistospore. What are enteroblastic conidia?

Explain modern trends of classification in fungi.

Comment on biogenesis of fungal cell wall.

Distiguish between heterothallism, heterokaryosis and parasexuality.

Describe reproductive structure of Basidiomycota.

Explain different spore dispersal mechanis of fungi.

What is dolipore septum ?

Describe differency type of thallic and blastic type of conidial ontogeny.

Give a short note on different types of ascocarp.

Mention different types of sexual reproduction of ascomycotina.

Illustrate about the fungi act as human allergen.

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