Top 30 questions on kingdom fungi (Mycology) for B.Sc. Botany


Top 30 questions on kingdom fungi (Mycology) for B.Sc. Botany 

1. Name the different types of sexual spores found in fungi. Discuss the different types of sexual reproduction observed in fungi with suitable examples. 
2. What is parasexuality? Name the discoverer of parasexual cycle. Mention the sequence of events of parasexual cycle. State the importance of parasexual cycle.

3. Describe the life cycle of Synchytrium endobioticum, with suitable diagram. Why it is called endobiotic  and holocarpic?

4. (a) Discuss the mode of asexual reproduction observed in Synchytrium with     diagram. 
    (b) Give the internal structure of fruit body of Agaricus.

5. Write the general characteristic of Basidiomycetes. Describe the life cycle of Rhizopus with diagram.

6. What do you mean by mycorrhiza? State it types. How does mycorrhiza help in agriculture?

7. State two characteristic of ascomycotina. Describe the development of ascus in Ascobolus with suitable illustration.  

8. Difference between ascus and basidium. Discuss different types of basidiocarp found in basidiomycetes.

9. Briefly describe the sexual and asexual mode of reproduction in Lichens with relevant diagram. State the ecological importance of Lichen.
10. Why Oomycota is different from all other groups of fungi? State the general characteristic of  Oomycota. 

11. Enumerate the various forms of thallus structures in Lichen. Define foliose Lichen. Mention two  economic importance of Lichen.

12.Write down general characteristics of Myxomycota and Deuteromycotina.  How can you differ Deuteromycotina  from the others ?

13. What do you mean by accessory spore? Write a brief account of accessory  spores of fungi.

14. Name one luminescent fungus and one edible fungus of Ascomycetes. Citing examples, describe the different types of fruit bodies found in Ascomycetes.

15. What is dolipore septum? Where it is found? Write a short note on mushroom cultivation. 

16. What is Buller phenomenon? Mention its significance. Development of  clamp connection found in the members of  Basidiomycetes. Name two edible fungus of Basidiomycetes. 

17.Define mycorrhizae. Discuss its role in forestry. 

18. Give an account of system of classification stated by Ainworth and state its merits.

19.  What is eucarpic fungus? Difference between gametangial contact and gametangial copulation. Write a short note on sexual compatibility. 

20. Write a short note on Deuteromycitina. State the general characteristics of Zygomycota. 

21.Write down the ecological importance of Lichen. Difference between fruticose and foliose Lichens

22. Difference between Ascomycota and Basidiomycota. What is woronin body? Mention its function.

23. Differentiate the four classifications of fungi (Zygomycetes, Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes and Deuteromycetes). How do fungi differ from bacteria and other eukaryotic organism?

24. Explain the point of difference between the sexual and asexual cycle of fungi.

25. Difference between Oomycota and Zygomycota. Discuss sporangia to conidial evolution in Mucorales.

26. What is heterothallism? State different aspects of  heterothallism in different fungi.

27.What is Mycology? Write down the salient features of fungi.

28. What is somatogamy? Describe the process of somatogamy. What is rhizomorph?

29. Briefly describe the different types of Lichens with examples. What is breathing pore ? What are rhizinae?

30. Write the differences between eucarpic and holocarpic fungi? What are flexuous hyphae? Name one aquatic fungus. What are coprophilous fungi? Give example.

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